Contact Form Re: Ticketing For Reschedules

If you have purchased tickets for a show which has now moved to a new date. Please note that your purchased tickets are automatically valid for the new date with no further action required.

If however the new date is not convenient for you, you can request a refund.

Where did you purchase your tickets?


If you bought your tickets online from TicketWeb, then you should request a ticket directly from Ticketweb using this link:

Other Ticket Outlets

For some of our shows, especially shows using outside promoters, they sometimes sell tickets using other ticket outlets, if this is the case, you should request the refund from the point of purchase.  (Examples of these type of shows are AGMP shows Or Vinilo Record Launches & examples of some external sellers are Eventim, Gigantic, See Tickets, Skiddle etc…).

Brook Box Office

If you purchased your tickets from our box office either in person or by telephone, then you should fill in the form below.  We will be in touch in due course to arrange a refund. We can also answer any questions that you may have even if you are not requesting a refund.

After Submission

When the form is correctly submitted you should see a thank you message on your screen. If you don’t see this, have a look through the form and see if you have missed anything and try again. Once the form is correctly submitted, you will receive a copy of you message via email for your records.